How do I find my reports in Business Track?

Before you get started

  • You need to be enrolled with Business Track to access your reports
  • Go to our article on enrolment for instructions on how to set up your account

Where do I find my statements?

Go to the Business Track log in page and enter your credentials. You will receive an email with a security code that will be entered in this screen:


Once you have logged into the site, you will choose Applications from the menu and then select ClientLine Enterprise from the drop down menu. 

In the side menu, select Summary & Documents. On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see the available statements (up to 7 years).

Select the statement you would like to review. This system will generate an PDF statement and download. Alternatively, you can locate this statement under My Reports > Inbox. 


Where do I find my statements?

You will receive a monthly statement via email on the 1st of the month and the fees are debited the following business day. You can also search for your statement by using the instructions above.You will receive a monthly statement via email on the 1st of the month and the fees are debited the following business day. You can also search for your statement by using the instructions above.

How do I view the settlements that have been deposited to my bank account?

Follow these steps to view your Funded Settlements:

  1. Under Reports, select Funding > Generic Analysis
  2. Under Group By 1 > select Funded Date
  3. Select the date ranges dates you wish to view
  4. Select GO

If you would like a report on which transactions were included in the Funded Settlement: 

  1. Under Reports > Settlement 
  2. Select Search
  3. Select Fields > Deselect All
  4. Click on Settlement

Under Settlement, select: 

  • Funded Date
  • Txn Date
  • Processed Sales Amount
  • Auth Code
  • Site Name
  • Transaction Type
  • Submitted Sales Amount


Good to know

To ensure that your transaction report in the Worldline merchant portal matches the settlement being received by your bank, please update the time zone on your company info page is set to Newfoundland time. It can be found here under Administration > Company Info

Other tips

  • You can select the order you want to see the selected fields – the report will generate at the bottom of the screen. 
  • There are many fields to choose from but the above selections will give you a quick overview of the processed transactions that are included in the funded settlement. 
  • You can select Download to view the report as a CSV.
  • You can select Save and choose a name for this report and this will save the report for future use. 
  • You can select Schedule and the saved report can be sent to you automatically. You can select the frequency – either one time, daily, weekly or monthly.  
  • You may need to use the transaction report from the Worldline Merchant portal to compare transactions. This report can be downloaded as a CSV file and opened in Excel, Google Sheets or another spreadsheet application to be formatted to suit your reconciliation needs.
  • If your funded settlement does not match to what was processed, you will need to use the Worldline Transaction report to view if any transactions were processed after 10:45pm as these transactions may not be settled until the following business day. 

Worldline and Bambora are registered trademarks and trade names owned by the Worldline Group.

BAMBORA is a registered Agent of TD Bank, Toronto ON, Canada and Wells Fargo Bank N.A., Concord CA, USA.