How do I secure my ROAMsupport account with MFA?
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enhances security by requiring users to supply additional information to support their login attempts.
Must know:
- Each user on your ROAMsupport account must enroll in MFA on the ROAMsupport portal.
- You will need to have your mobile device and an authenticator application to enroll in MFA.
- We recommend Microsoft Authenticator; however, you can enroll using any authenticator app that you currently use.
How do I enroll?
When you log into the portal, you will need to enroll in MFA on your account. For a limited time, you will have the option to skip this enrollment, but after this period, you will be required to enroll and enter the MFA code to access your account. The enrollment screen will display the MFA options once it is enforced in our system.
Step 1: Download the Microsoft Authenticator App
You may use whichever authenticator app you choose. We recommend using the Microsoft Authenticator App as this is the app we are best able to support you in using and is free to use.
On Your Mobile Device: If you don't already have an authenticator app on your phone you will need to use your phone's app store to download the Microsoft Authenticator App.
- Android: Open the Google Play Store app.
- Apple/iOS: Open the App Store.
Open the App: Locate the Microsoft Authenticator app on your device (it will simply be called "Authenticator") and open it.
Step 2: Add Your Account
With the Microsoft Authenticator App open following these steps:
- Click the Add Account button (the plus sign in the top right corner).
- You will be prompted to select the type of account to add. Choose Other (Google, Facebook, etc.).
- The app will activate your phone's camera to scan a QR code.
Step 3: Log into the ROAMsupport Portal
- On your computer, open a web browser and log into the ROAMsupport portal.
Note: If you had logged in previously but had to install the authenticator app, click “Cancel” on the MFA prompt and log in again to ensure your QR code has not expired.
- Once logged in, you will see a screen displaying a QR code.
- After adding the account to the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone (see Step 2: Add Your Account above), scan the QR code with your front-facing camera in your web browser from where you logged in.
Step 4: Enter the Verification Code
- After scanning the QR code, your account will be added to the app, and you will receive a timed one-time password (a six-digit number). You may need to tap on the account name to see the code.
- Enter the six-digit number below the QR code in the field provided in the ROAMsupport portal.
- After clicking Submit, you should be given a screen confirming you have successfully enrolled to MFA!
Logging into the Portal
You will need your login credentials (username and password) and a six-digit code from the authenticator app each time you log in. Remember, you cannot use the same passcode used during enrollment; open the authenticator app for a unique code each time.